Sunday, June 26, 2011

Final Blog

I found it difficult to analyze my own writing style from all the posts in this course.  As I was looking through the posts, I noticed that my responses reflected a social dialog approach. According to Collison, Elbaum, Haavind, & Tinker (2000) stated in the social arena, “the teacher uses observation and personal reflection to invite a substantive discussion about bounding experiences (p. 21).” Based on this definition, I know that I have included several personal experiences and reflections throughout this course.  Here is an example of social dialogue while trying to build a community: “thank you for your amazing insights about social dialogue.  I guess when I was reading the book I did not think about what the author was truly saying until your comment.  I can relate to your comment and agree with you whole-heartedly.” 

As I continue to analysis my writing style I realized that I take on more of the reflective guide and personal muse roles.  I typically keep my postings short and try to weed out any irrelevant information which is a characteristic of reflective guide.  As for the personal muse role, I would respond by challenging my own beliefs to enhance my thought processes to generate new ideas and concepts.  As for the other voices like generative guide, conceptual facilitator, mediator, and role play I have not used any of these voices in my discussion questions or posting.  I was thinking about why I did not use the other voices and it comes down to my comfort level with them.  I know when I facilitate my first online class I will be able to use the other voices more efficiently than what I did throughout this course.

Even though teaching an online course is intimidating to me, I want to challenge myself by teaching an online course in the future.  As I develop and learn from facilitating an online course my intimidation decreases and my confidence increases.  This particular equation will help me be successful when I do decide to set up an online course. 

Thank you to my fellow classmates for all your support and thoughts.


Friday, June 17, 2011

I think it is going well......

First of all, I have learned so much about online learning and how to properly facilitate an online course.  However, I am concerned that I will not be good as a moderator, but one never knows until she tries.  I do feel more knowledgeable about facilitating an online course because of the book we are reading.  When I initially did the project outline for this course, I stated I would give a positive feedback, but when I read the book I learned that this could have the opposite effect.  So I changed the word to constructive feedback instead.

I am currently in Arequipa Peru with 5 nursing students and will be here until next week Thursday.  I realized because I have been having long days at the different clinics I don't feel like chatting that much.  I am an outgoing person once I get to know people and by the end of this course I might be responding to everyone.  So be prepared for chatty Cathy to appear (that would be me). 

Thank you for all the wonderful words of encouragement.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

First blog ever

Hello All,

I want to welcome you to my first blog ever.  I have read a few blogs, but I have never needed to create one.  So I am really not sure what to type to make people want to read this blog.  I know it should be something that is interesting and eye catching for readers otherwise they will move on to other blogs.

All I can hope for is your attention:

1) The most positive aspect of this course so far are the postings and the positive responses by the people in this course.  I have learned to be concise and use different research to back up our postings.  I think what I enjoy about the discussion questions the most is the ability for everyone to have a voice.  Not like in a classroom environment where one person overpowers the conversation and others have no opportunity to express themselves.

2) One of the negative aspect of these activities so far is my uncertainty with my postings.  I still am a little nervous about my postings and assignments, but as time goes on I am becoming more relaxed.  In the beginning of this course I was having dreams that people where telling me I don't write well enough to be in college.  So all in all it is my confidence levels that need to be increase and I am working on it.

3) My only suggestion for improvement is somehow condensing the discussion area to not appear so overwhelming.  I truly understand that this may not be doable, but it was worth the mention.

I am enjoying my first online course and learning a great deal from those experience online users and blogs.
Thanks for reading.

Talk with you soon.
