Sunday, May 29, 2011

First blog ever

Hello All,

I want to welcome you to my first blog ever.  I have read a few blogs, but I have never needed to create one.  So I am really not sure what to type to make people want to read this blog.  I know it should be something that is interesting and eye catching for readers otherwise they will move on to other blogs.

All I can hope for is your attention:

1) The most positive aspect of this course so far are the postings and the positive responses by the people in this course.  I have learned to be concise and use different research to back up our postings.  I think what I enjoy about the discussion questions the most is the ability for everyone to have a voice.  Not like in a classroom environment where one person overpowers the conversation and others have no opportunity to express themselves.

2) One of the negative aspect of these activities so far is my uncertainty with my postings.  I still am a little nervous about my postings and assignments, but as time goes on I am becoming more relaxed.  In the beginning of this course I was having dreams that people where telling me I don't write well enough to be in college.  So all in all it is my confidence levels that need to be increase and I am working on it.

3) My only suggestion for improvement is somehow condensing the discussion area to not appear so overwhelming.  I truly understand that this may not be doable, but it was worth the mention.

I am enjoying my first online course and learning a great deal from those experience online users and blogs.
Thanks for reading.

Talk with you soon.



  1. Nice Tammy! I love the books in the background!

  2. Tammy,

    Go figure I can see all of your blog using Fire Fox but I wasn't able to see Bonnie's. Nice job by the way. By the way are we supposed to sign in?

    Mary S.

  3. Nicely done, Tammy! Maybe you can use a blog in the courses you teach next semester??

  4. Tammy --- I too wish I could condense the discussion area so it is not so visually overwhelming. I do try to rotate the discussions so only the most current one is on top! Heidi
